Il remake di uno dei più classici horror americani, Venerdì 13, tornerà con una nuova versione nell’autunno del 2017. I produttori della pellicola parlano del perchè il progetto sia partito così lentamente.
Problemi legati alla sceneggiatura, affermano i produttori della Platinum Dunes: sarebbe infatti stato consigliato l’escamotage del found-footage per il remake di Jason, ma i film precedenti si basato sulla componente del POV, ovvero il punto di vista del protagonista, sicuramente in contrasto con l’idea dei filmati rinvenuti. Ecco le loro parole:
In terms of fun, making [the 2009 film] was so fun. The cast was great, we were in a great setting, everyone got along. We had a lot of fun making that movie and we always wanted to go back to CrystalLake and make another one. There were so many obstacles to surmount to get to where we are today. I’m not going to bore you with all of them but for a long time, there was a rights issue between Paramount and Warner Bros. Then there was an execution issue. At one point, the studio wanted us to make a found-footage version of that movie and that was deeply concerning to us because we didn’t think we could execute the movie in the right way if it was a found-footage movie.