James Gunn ha una mezza idea di creare lo spin-off di uno dei personaggi di Guardians of the Galaxy: Nebula, la sorella di Gamora, interpretata da Karen Gillan.
Il regista de I Guardiani della Galassia ha in mente di proporre uno spin-off di Nebula, lo ammette rispondendo ad un tweet di un fan, rivelando che l’idea era già in cantiere quando aveva firmato il contratto iniziale.
I have a few favorites myself, but I agree that Nebula should lead her own film – it’s something I’ve thought about from the beginning.
Per il sequel della saga, Gunn parla anche del rapporto tra la stessa Nebula e la sorella Gamora, una relazione che verrà approfondita ulteriormente:
The first movie was really about becoming a family. This movie is about being a family. And what’s harder, becoming a family or being a family? I think it’s being a family. That’s where you really have to deal with each other. And that’s what this movie is about. And their sisters. They are family, whether they like it or not. And they also want to kill each other, so it adds a new twist to being a sister.