Audi RS4 Avant Paintball Duel

2 Audi RS4 Avant (white vs black matte) + 2 main colors for paintballs (yellow for the white car and blue for the black one) + 2 remote controlled M2 Browning paintball guns + some paintball granades + an oil slick dispenser system + 2 legendary stuntmen + a lot of cameras (including some GoPro cameras and 1 remote controlled flying camera) + 1 military hangar + a retrò graphic = epicness
[url=]Qua[/url] il making of del video.
[url=]Qua[/url] una chiacchierata con i vecchietti gli stuntmen. Prima di sorridere al solo vederli (come ammetto di aver fatto io) guardate in quali film sono stati coinvolti, sbirciando le loro pagine: [url=]Jim Dowdall[/url] e [url=]Colin Skeaping[/url].
- [url=]Coolmaterial[/url]
- [url=]Youtube Audi Channel[/url]