[quote]Ireland’s favourite holiday is soon approaching; and while many will remember good ol’ Saint Patrick for everything he did for Christianity in Ireland, most of the world will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with vast amounts of alcohol consumption.

With that in mind, we at GoIreland have rustled up a useful infographic about Guinness and other beers. But not just any infographic about booze. We recognize that folks in the 21st century are more health conscious than ever, so have combined these two facets to look at the health benefits of Guinness vs. other types of beer.

Whether you enjoy the dark stuff, or lean towards lager, the results show that a pint of one, or the other, can have positive effects on various areas of the body, such as the heart, bones and even your skin. Through painstaking research, we even worked out how many individual peanuts each drink is the equivalent to eating, how long it would take to burn off those calories and taken a look at some of the strongest beers known to mankind.[/quote]

A parte che dire “Guinness vs Birra” implicherebbe che la Guinness sia qualcosa di diverso dalla birra o che “birra” identifichi un solo tipo preciso di bevanda.

Ma a parte questo non trascurabile dettaglio, eccovi un’infografica da sabato sera: che vi berrete stasera, [url=http://www.guinness.com/]Guinness[/url], birretta leggera o una [url=http://www.brewdog.com/]BrewDog[/url]?

E allora occhio alle calorie, agli antiossidanti e al ferro, perchè la birra, quale che sia, nonostante l’alcool ha diversi potenziali effetti benefici sull’organismo…

Oppure niente, potete sbattervene e giù birra come se non ci fosse un domani (e pattuglie della stradale).

In any case, a voi l’ardua sentenza.

[url=http://blog.goireland.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/GuinnessVsBeer_Final_700x7138.jpg]Link all’infografica[/url].

Via il blog di [url=blog.goireland.com/2012/03/14/infographic-guinness-beer/]GoIreland.com[/url].

PS, interessante la classifica dei Paesi che bevono più Guinness: