

[quote]This is a tech demo entitled “Samaritan”, and is a showcase of what can be done with Unreals updated Engine UE3. It now features Direct X11 with Shader Model 5, for the very latest graphics cards as well as MS Antialiasing, Brokeh filter and several other visual treats.

This will make the already popular graphics engine, even better in my opinion and this engine and the Cry Engine 3 will provide a key step up in game graphics for the next 5 years or so.

According to one source, the demo was rendered using an Nvidia GTX 580 Tri SLI (3 graphics cards) setup. Which kind of makes my one GTX 470 seem quite low end :S

Questo è il video (guardatelo a 1080p) che presenta il nuovo update dell’Engine UE3 “Samatrian”. Supporta Direct X11. Introduce anche FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti Aliasing) una tecnica anti aliasing che renderà l’immagine più simile alla realtà. La demo è stata fatta usando una Nvidia GXT 580 Tri Sli.

Fonti: [url=http://gamersyde.com/news_unreal_engine_3_real_time_demo-10714_en.html]Qui[/url]

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