[quote][b]Making the Invisible Visible[/b] is an [b]Amnesty International[/b] street art project highlighting the plight of [i]six individuals who have suffered human rights abuses[/i].[/quote]

Oggi [b]Google+[/b] mi segnala che questo video è uno dei tre video più visti della settimana sul social network targato [i]un-uno-seguito-da-cento-zeri[/i].

Molto suggestivo, e l’idea è ottima. ;)

Qualche info. in più qua sotto:
[more]The project is a unique collaboration between German street art collective [b]Mentalgassi[/b] and creative team [b]Lisa Jelliffe[/b] and [b]Kirsten Rutherford[/b] from Wieden + Kennedy London.

The installations use special lenticular fence posters. Launched in London last year to highlight the case of [b]Troy Davis[/b], this year the campaign can be seen in 26 locations across 6 European cities.

Each installation depicts a close up of an individual’s face. The image is invisible from front on, only becoming visible to those approaching the fence. A plaque on each site alerts passers-by to an Amnesty International website where they can take action in support of each of the individuals featured.[/more]

Sito ufficiale —> [url=http://www.amnesty.org/en/art-for-amnesty]www.amnesty.org[/url]
Canale Youtube —> [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/Art4Amnesty]Art4Amnesty[/url]
Blog di Mentalgassi —-> [url=http://mentalgassi.blogspot.com/]mentalgassi.blogspot.com[/url]