

[quote]Bang! is a desk lamp with a gun-shaped remote controller. User can fire the “gun” to turn the light off. The light goes out and the lampshade knocks to the side, showing that it’s been hit. To turn it back on, simply shot it again, and the lampshade will raise up slowly and turn the light back on at the same time.[/quote]

[url=http://www.bitplayinc.com/#1522614/BANG]Lampada Bang![/url] creata dalla studio [url=http://www.bitplayinc.com]Bitplay[/url], in pratica basta “sparare” con l’apposita pistola alla lampada per accenderla o spegnerla, guardate il video.

Mi piace un casino, spero che la producano prima o poi.

– [url=http://www.bitplayinc.com/#1522614/BANG]Bang! Lamp[/url]