
[quote]CalTech grad student named [url=http://virgil.gr]Virgil Griffith[/url] has conducted an interesting (albeit somewhat unscientific) study relating music preferences with SAT scores. While SAT scores are criticized for not accurately determining intelligence, the results show that the “smartest” students’ favorite musician is Beethoven, with an average SAT score of 1371, and at the other end of the spectrum is Lil’ Wayne, with an average score of 889.

Other bands at the top of the scale are Counting Crows, Radiohead, and Sufjan Stevens. Check out the full image of the results after the jump:

Surprisingly, no style of music stands out above the rest, but rather most bands fit within the 1000 to 1150 score range. Another question is whether music can be legitimately associated with smarts.[/quote]

Per chi non mastica l’inglese, il suddetto Virgil, ha condotto uno studio che mette in relazione i risultati SAT (test standard di ammissione ai college, in USA), con la musica che si preferisce. I risultati nell’ “infografica” completa sotto spoiler.

Personalmente non ritengo questo “studio” particolarmente significativo, conosco idioti che ascoltano musica classica e persone intelligenti che hanno una passione per la musica house, ma tant’è, probabilmente un’indicazione di fondo si può estrapolare :)
