
[quote]Nestled in a sleepy southern district of Kunming city in southwest China, is a 10,000 square metre, four-storey building that could make Swedish furniture giant Ikea uneasy.

11 Furniture, as the store is known, copies Ikea’s blue and yellow colour scheme, mock-up rooms, miniature pencils, signage and even its rocking chair designs. Its cafeteria-style restaurant, complete with minimalist wooden tables, has a familiar look, although the menu features Chinese-style braised minced pork and eggs instead of Ikea’s Swedish meatballs and salmon.

This knock-off Ikea store is emblematic of a new wave of piracy sweeping through China. Increasingly sophisticated counterfeiters no longer just pump out fake luxury handbags, DVDs and sports shoes but replicate the look, feel and service of successful Western retail concepts — in essence, pirating the entire brand experience.

Prendete il più grande brand di mobili low-cost del mondo, aggiungete un paese con una politica del lavoro tutta particolare e spolverate con un totale disprezzo per il copyright e la proprietà intellettuale. Infornate per un paio d’ore e vi ritroverete con l’11 Furniture, un perfetto clone IKEA made in China in cui troverete non solo le copie dei prodotti, ma anche una replica perfetta di tutto quello che è la brand experience della compagnia svedese: atmosfere, colori, tipologia di arredamenti, customer care, e così via.

Ovviamente ci sono anche delle differenze [i]sostanziali[/i]: al posto delle polpette di alce o del salmone affumicato, lo shop alimentare dell’11 Furniture offre uova e maiale. :-)

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Via [url=http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/world/Chinese+retailers+hijack+Ikea+experience+fast+growing+west/5187379/story.html]Montreal Gazette[/url] | [url=http://www.totallycrap.com/galleries/gallery_fake_ikea_in_china/]Gallery from TotallyCrap[/url]