
Ralph Mac Querrie Star Wars Storyboards


the awesome Star Wars illustrations by Ralph Mac Querrie. Not only are they inspirational and amazing, they also take you back to the days when the whole Star Wars franchise was still new and fresh. I am quite fond of those memories, and these images certainly bring it all back. If you’re not a hardcore Star Wars fan, you might not know that Mr. Querrie was the one who drew the original storyboard for the first Star Wars movies which landed George Lucas the budget to shoot the movies. Before he had a storyboard, he was met with utter rejection.

Strepitose illustrazioni di Ralph Mac Querrie tratte dagli storyboard originali di Guerre Stellari che consentirono a George Lucas di convincere i produttori a tirare fuori il grano per fare il film vero e proprio.. insomma da un certo punto di vista senza Ralph e i suoi bellissimi storyboard Star Wars oggi forse non esisterebbe, o sicuramente sarebbe un diverso da come lo conosciamo.

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