[quote]A Council of Europe committee examined evidence that the technologies have “[b]potentially harmful[/b]” effects on humans, [b]and concluded that immediate action was required to protect children[/b].

In a report, the committee said it was crucial to [b]avoid repeating the mistakes made when public health officials were slow to recognise the dangers of asbestos, tobacco smoking and lead in petrol[/b].

The report also highlighted the potential health risks of cordless telephones and baby monitors, which rely on similar technology and are widely used in British homes.

Fears have been raised that electromagnetic radiation emitted by wireless devices can cause cancers and affect the developing brain.

The findings were seized on by campaigners who oppose the spread of wireless devices. [/quote]
Da: [url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/8514380/Ban-mobile-phones-and-wireless-networks-in-schools-say-European-leaders.html]Telegraph.co.uk[/url].

Una potenziale rivoluzione nell’uso e nella percezione di cellulari e dispositivi wireless in generale: un comitato del Consiglio d’Europa ha pubblicato questo [url=http://assembly.coe.int/main.asp?Link=/documents/workingdocs/doc11/edoc12608.htm]report[/url] in cui richiede la messa al bando di cellulari, reti WiFi e altri dispositivi wireless basati su onde elettromagnetiche dai contesti in cui ci sono neonati e bambini (vedi dispositivi di controllo dei neonati, cellulari e reti WiFi appunto).

Il tutto in nome del principio di prudenza e sulla base dei presunti effetti negativi delle radiazioni elettromagnetiche:
[quote]While electrical and electromagnetic fields in certain frequency bands have fully beneficial effects which are applied in medicine, other non-ionising frequencies, be they sourced from extremely low frequencies, power lines or [b]certain high frequency waves used in the fields of radar, telecommunications and mobile telephony, appear to have more or less potentially harmful, non-thermal, biological effects on plants, insects and animals, as well as the human body when exposed to levels that are below the official threshold values.[/b]

One must respect the precautionary principle and revise the current threshold values; [b]waiting for high levels of scientific and clinical proof can lead to very high health and economic costs, as was the case in the past with asbestos, leaded petrol and tobacco.[/b][/quote]

In effetti nel passato le pressioni economiche (vedi amianto, benzina col piombo e tabacco) hanno fatto enorme resistenza sia alla ricerca sia alle conseguenti misure per limitarne e infine bandirne l’utilizzo. E le conseguenze sociali le abbiamo pagate tutti.

In questo caso, in mancanza – come spesso accade – di dati incontrovertibili ci si appella alla prudenza e quindi al cercare di limitare l’esposizione ai soggetti in crescita e perciò maggiormente esposti ai rischi di neoplasie.

Comunque non è la prima volta che vengono proposte misure del genere nei confronti di cellulari e WiFi (tanto per fare un esempio leggete [url=http://attivissimo.blogspot.com/2008/05/wifi-paura-mi-fai.html]qui[/url]), per cui aspettiamo e vediamo.

Il report del [url=http://assembly.coe.int/main.asp?Link=/documents/workingdocs/doc11/edoc12608.htm]Consiglio d’Europa[/url].

L’articolo del [url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/8514380/Ban-mobile-phones-and-wireless-networks-in-schools-say-European-leaders.html]Telegraph[/url].