
Vi starete domandando : E chi catzo è sto tizio?
Il “ragazzetto” in foto altri non è che colui che da sempre arreda i negozi della cyberdog in giro per il mondo, è un genio cybernetico e dopo 3 anni di “silenzio” torna con una mostra tutta sua in quel di Londra.

Nell’approfondimento la sua bio:

Born in East London, Dominic Lee Elvin has always been interested in the future, since his father gave him Isaac Asimov’s Robot and Foundation series at the age of twelve. At thirteen, Dominic deconstructed a stereo cassette player and turned it into a robot head, much to the dismay of his mother.

After spending seven years living in Spain, Dominic is now based in London and more focused on his sculpture work, installations, cybernetic fashion, and design projects.

The work of Dominic Lee Elvin is a culmination of 15 years of specialising in futuristic art and design, drawing much of his inspiration from the fascinating world of frontier sciences.

Dominic recreates these ideas in 3D by deconstructing and recycling old hardware from PC’s, house appliances, industrial machinery and discarded materials, (no thrown out appliance gets wasted) then reconfigures them into sculptural concepts of the future.

Incorporating movement and LED lighting enhances a sense of function and energy, bringing them to life.

Since 1994, Dominic has worked mostly in underground scenes in many diverse areas from club décor, performance art, fashion shows/shoots, window displays, music videos, graphic design, installation art, interior design, and technical design. He is passionate about sculpture, working with the human form, and cutting edge fashion and design in general.

Dominic has worked internationally in Tokyo, Berlin, Ibiza, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Basel, Barcelona, Las Vegas, Sao Paulo, and London.
Previous exhibitions have been in London, Tokyo, Barcelona, also installations in Torture Garden club, and Selfridges – Oxford street window display amongst others.

Past projects published include his cybernetic body couture, used in ‘SCENE’ magazine, British Airways High Life, Elle, Mojo, Kera, Absolut vodka – Japan campaign, Robot Wars, AOFM’s book – Make up is Art, I.N.C look book – Elements.
Dominic has done Avant Garde fashion shows for Toni & Guy, Swear Shoes, and corporate work for Cyberdog, I.N.C Space, His cybernetic head systems have been used for the Terminator 3 premiere party, as well as music videos and performance art shows.
Dominic has been the primary installation artist for CYBERDOG since 1999, but mostly works freelance, exploring his own vision of the future, inspired socially by peoples’ reactions to the changes happening all around us.

Dominic constantly explores different ideas and boundaries to express his creativity, and is experimenting with photography/digital art, film shorts, and performance art. He has plans to work more with sound, actuators and sensors in his android sculptures, to make his work more alive and interactive.


Il luogo prescelto per la sua mostra non poteva di certo essere una normale galleria d’arte, quindi la scelta è ricaduta su un club privato in quel di Covent Garden a Londra : [url=http://www.inc-space.com/]I.N.C Space[/url].

Nel more una foto del locale giusto per rendere l’idea se siete pigri e non volete visitare il sito:



A questa mostra presenzieranno ovviamente tutti i più importanti personaggi della scena Cyber londinese, quindi i Boss della Cyberdog, i Boss del Torture Garden , non chè una sequela infinita di gnocche vestite da [url=http://legacyentries.weheartit.netdna-cdn.com/20080429222258.jpg]Lilu[/url].

Insieme a lui saranno parte integrante della mostra anche :[url=http://shirtupboy.blogspot.com]Sebastian Clark[/url] (illustratore e designer di magliette) e Stephane Grand (fotografo).
La Mostra sarà ad ingresso gratuito per tutta la durata dell’esposizione, ad eccezione della prima sera che solo se siete veramente cool potrete partecipare in quanto strettamente ad inviti.

Dopo le fonti troverete alcuni dei suoi lavori.

Siti degli autori: [url=http://dominicelvin.net]dominicelvin.net[/url] , [url=http://shirtupboy.blogspot.com]Sebastian Clark[/url] , l’altro non ha sito e quello scritto sul flyer non è corretto sorry…
Sito del locale: [url=http://www.inc-space.com/]inc-space[/url]
Pagina facebook della mostra: [url=http://www.facebook.com/FuturFusion]Futur Fusion[/url]

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