[quote]+ [b]Apple [/b]is now worth 5.3x more than in 2006.
+ [b]Google [/b]is now worth 1.4x more than in 2006.
+ [b]Oracle [/b]is now worth 2.3x more than in 2006
+ [b]Microsoft [/b]is worth 8% less than it was in 2006.
+ The biggest loser of this bunch? [b]Nokia[/b], which is now worth just 32% of what it was worth five years ago.[/quote]
Ne sono cambiate di cose in soli 5 anni!

Lo scenario attuale (qui misurato in termini di capitalizzazione, cioè valore di mercato della società) dei principali colossi tecnologici vede Apple in clamorosa crescita mentre aziende all’epoca (parliamo del 2006) considerate “monopolisti intoccabili” (vedi Microsoft) o “leader di mercato” (vedi Nokia) si sono più o meno ridimensionati.

[quote]+ In 2006, [b]Google [/b]was worth twice as much as [b]Apple[/b]. In 2011, they have traded places, with Apple now worth nearly twice as much as Google ([b]1.9x[/b] to be exact).
+ Another sign of how times have changed: In 2006, [b]Microsoft [/b]was worth 4x as much as [b]Apple[/b]. Now, Apple is worth [b]1.6x[/b] as much as Microsoft.[/quote]

L’analisi completa su [url=http://royal.pingdom.com/2011/05/05/apple-now-worth-5x-more-than-in-2006-and-nearly-2x-as-much-as-google/]Royal Pingdom[/url].