[quote]What is the cost of spilling almost five million barrels of oil into the ocean? How do you measure that cost? In GDP reduction? In lives affected? In environmental impact? And how do you measure the cost when long-term effects are impossible to calculate yet, and when a significant portion of the spilled oil is still unaccounted for? One year since the Deepwater Horizon platform exploded, killing 11 workers, there are measurable effects, and many more unknowns. Collected here are pictures of the disaster, recent images of people affected by the spill, and views of the cleanup. [b]Pictures #4 through #10 show areas of shoreline both immediately after the spill and the same area a year later. Click on the picture to see it change from the 2010 view to the present.[/b][/quote]

E’ già passato un anno, era il 21 aprile 2010 quando l’incendio e l’affondamento della piattaforma petrolifera [url=https://leganerd.com/tag/bp/]Deepwater Horizon[/url] nel golfo del Messico scatenò uno dei peggiori disastri ambientali mai causati dall’uomo.

Oltre al dettagliato [url=https://leganerd.com/2011/01/17/il-disastro-della-bp-come-andata-a-finire/]report[/url] presentato all’amministrazione Obama qualche mese fa, questa nuova straordinaria gallery di [url=http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2011/04/gulf_oil_spill_one_year_later.html]The Big Picture[/url] ci mostra gli effetti sul paesaggio, sugli animali e sulle persone delle aree colpite dalla marea nera: questa volta le foto dalla 4 alla 10 sono cliccabili e mostrano il prima ed il dopo.

La gallery su [b][url=http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2011/04/gulf_oil_spill_one_year_later.html]The Big Picture[/url][/b].