
[quote]In October 2008 it was announced that Paramount Pictures and Dylan Sellers Productions would be remaking the classic Footloose, starring Zac Efron. We were fed up. The Hollywood remake machine was going to take another solid movie, put it through the ringer, and make a buck from a younger generation.

We decided “Let’s beat them to the punch. Let’s do this remake our way.”

We are a collection of amateur filmmakers and video-making enthusiasts, who recreated the Kevin Bacon classic. Different filmmakers from “around the world” have divided the original 1984 Footloose into 54 different scenes. A collaborative work of friends, “Our Footloose Remake” is our message to the Hollywood remake machine.[/quote]

[i]Our Footloose Remake[/i] è un progetto realizzato da 54 filmakers provenienti da tutto il mondo, che durante l’estate 2010 hanno deciso di realizzare un remake di questo classico della cinematografia.

L’idea è nata dopo l’annuncio della [i]Paramount Pictures[/i] di voler remakare il film chiamando come protagonista [i]Zac Efron[/i].

I nostri allora stufi di dover sottostare alla “macchina sputa remake” hollywoodiana hanno preso il film, l’hanno diviso in 54 scene per poterne girare una a testa, ed hanno prodotto il primo vero remake fan made.
