
[quote]Build your own Shire-like earthbag dome with Owen Geiger’s step-by-step instructions.

Earthbag structures provide a cool space in summer and an escape from the cold in winter (ideal for humans and animals), which means this earthbag dome is well suited for many purposes, like a quiet space for relaxing or playing music.

18’ exterior diameter; 8’ interior diameter; 11’ exterior diameter, 50 sq. ft. interior floor space; total cost of materials: $300, which is about $6/square foot.[/quote]

Volete costruirvi in giardino il vostro piccolo rifugio [i]Hobbit Style[/i] per potervi sentire in ogni momento proprio come se vi trovaste nella contea?

Seguendo passo passo le indicazioni che trovate [url=http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Build-an-Earthbag-Dome/]QUI[/url], ci riuscirete in men che non si dica (più o meno).

Se volete vedere anche dei video dimostrativi li potete trovare [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/naturalhouses]QUI[/url].