Purtroppo ho trovato solo la versione inglese ma la traduzione non dovrebbe essere un grosso problema.
Tenere a portata di stampante per rendere le vostre settimane lavorative meno pesanti e più vendicative, chi cercherà di rovinarvi la giornata avrà una cara e tremenda sorpresa. [i]Muahahah[/i].
[more][quote][b]Invoice for [del]Services Rendered[/del] Day-Ruining[/b]
Client:__________________ also known as [mean-spirited nickname].
Please remit Payment for
– the cocktails/beer I will need to calm my nerves
– the „comfort pizza“ I will undoubtedly eat later tonight
– the ibuprofen for the headache unquestionably caused by you/this circumstance
– the 30 minutes of necessary therapeutic phone ranting with my mom/best friend/significant other
– the latter half of my workday, which was far less productive because of your awfulness
In the Amount of ______,______,______._____
Because of
– your total inability to give intelligible art direction
– your guerilla conference-calling tactics
– your poor email etiquette (unnecessarily harsh tone, passive-aggressive cc’ing etc.)
– your rediculous demands (revisions within minutes, Sunday morning deadlines etc.)
– the general feeling of ickiness I get, each and every time we communicate
And another thing: _____________________ FOR GODS SAKE!
_____________ (a designer who will most likely never work for you again)[/quote][/more]