Watching Google destroy Cr-48 laptops for fun can’t have been easy for any of you, but it turns out that the wily geeks of Mountain View had a clandestine purpose to their malevolence after all. An equation, scribbled out in old school chalk in the background of one scene, attracted the attention of a Sylvain Zimmer, who, together with a group of like-minded geeks, set about trying to solve it and discover its meaning. A full day’s worth of cryptographic work later, Sylvain was left with a set of numbers he was able to convert into letters, which in turned spelled out “speed and destroy.” Appending goo.gl, Google’s URL shortener, to the front of those words got him to a screen congratulating him for being “first to figure out our MENSA-certified puzzle” and promising to send him a Cr-48 laptop as his prize. Kudos to Sylvain… and to Google for being such irrepressible geeks. [/quote]
Vi ricordate [url=https://leganerd.com/2010/12/10/rimanere-calmi-dopo-la-distruzione-del-vostro-notebook/”]questo[/url] video?
Bene, forse non avete notato che in una scena è presente una lavagna con su scritta un’equazione matematica.
Sylvain Zimmer, insieme ad altri [del]fancazzisti[/del] appassionati di matematica, si sono messi a risolvere la suddetta equazione; dopo un giorno di calcoli e crittografia l’equazione generava la frase “speed and destroy.” e dopo averci messo davanti goo.gl li portava ad una pagina dove li si informava che avevano vinto uno dei laptop Cr-48.
Adesso la domanda è: sono più nerd quelli di Google o Zimmer e i suoi amici matematici?
Via [url=http://www.engadget.com/2010/12/13/google-hides-mathematical-puzzle-in-cr-48-video-rewards-its-sol/”]Engadget[/url]