
[quote]The [b]BrainWave[/b] is a desktop microwave that will come in handy for workaholics and bookworms, who can’t seem to tear themselves away from their computer screens.
The appliance works with the [b]C8 port[/b] connected to the mains and is controlled through a computer application connected via [b]USB[/b]. A RFID-tagged plastic spoon comes along with specially packaged meals and scanning the tag transmits the meal info to the microwave. This in turn auto sets the heating time.[/quote]

Chi non ha mai sognato di mangiare la pasta al forno direttamente davanti al pc del lavoro? [del](Io decisamente no…)[/del] Sembra che per qualcuno il sogno d’ora in poi si potrà realizzare grazie a [url=http://stevegates.weebly.com/index.html]Stephen Richard Gates[/url].

Qui si possono vedere le varie parti che lo compongono:

Mentre qui si può vedere un mini-manuale d’utilizzo:

[i](Per capire meglio il funzionamento generale fate un salto [url=https://leganerd.com/2010/11/20/il-forno-a-microonde/]qui[/url])[/i]

Fonte [url=http://stevegates.weebly.com/1/post/2008/10/first-post.html]Steve Gates[/url] via [url=http://www.yankodesign.com/2010/04/29/microwave-cooking-with-the-desktop/]Yanko Design[/url]