Apertura automatica pollaio DIY

Waking up at 5:30 in the morning. [Mark Stead] didn’t like the idea either when his chickens started crying to be let out. One simple solution obviously is to eat the chickens build an automatic door opener. The mechanism starts out with an old style mechanical alarm clock, add a geared motor with some creative switch work to pull open the door, weather proof the entire thing, and done. [Mark] even modified the setup later to work with vertical doors. No MCU required for either.

Giuro che mi dispiace non avere un pollaio per costruire ‘sta cosa…

Avevo pensato di fare qualcosa del genere per il gatto (in stile automatic feeder su BTTF), ma la mia fidanzata ha bocciato l’idea.

Via Hack-a-day

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