I viaggi nel tempo ed il paradosso del nonno

Any theory of time travel has to confront the devastating “grandfather paradox,” in which a traveler jumps back in time and kills his grandfather, which prevents his own existence, which then prevents the murder in the first place, and so on.

Il paradosso del nonno… interessante spunto per sbizzarrirsi in teorie strampalate sui viaggi nel tempo.
Qui però degli uber-nerd ci si sono messi di brutto e se ne sono venuti fuori con questa: il “sistema” si autocorregge per evitare l’insorgere di questi paradossi
For instance, a bullet-maker would be inordinately more likely to produce a defective bullet if that very bullet was going to be used later to kill a time traveler’s grandfather, or the gun would misfire, or “some little quantum fluctuation has to whisk the bullet away at the last moment,” Lloyd says. In this version of time travel, the grandfather, he says, is “a tough guy to kill.”

Leggetevi tutto l’articolo su Wired.

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