
Il [url=https://leganerd.com/2010/05/17/spot-nintendo-anni-80/]post di Guybrush[/url] scritto qualche ora fa mostrava in video una strana periferca per il Nintendo 8 bit che non avevo mai visto ed è troppo assurda.
Cercando un pò ho trovato di cosa si tratta e cioè del Robotic Operating Buddy, per gli amici R.O.B.

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ksn0JsF4_Jg]Qui[/url] lo potete vedere in azione (…una roba lenta da far venire il latte alle gonadi)

Praticamente questo affare viene fuori in Giappone nel 1985 come supporto a soli due videogiochi: Gyromite and Stack-Up.
“Soli” perchè si tratta di un vero e proprio fallimento!
Ecco come funzionava con il gioco Gyromite (ve lo quoto che non ho tempo di tradurlo tutto)
[quote]R.O.B. receives commands via optical flashes in the screen. Once it lights up, it is ready to receive six commands. R.O.B. only functions correctly when coupled with a CRT type television, similar like the NES Zapper.

All the Robot series games include a test feature that sends an optical flash that should make R.O.B.’s LED light up. In Gyromite, Direct is a feature used to learn how to use R.O.B. or to play with R.O.B. without playing the game. Gyromite is a puzzle-platformer in which the character has to collect dynamite before the time runs out, with several red and blue pillars blocking his way. In Gyromite game A, the commands are made by pressing Start and then pushing the direction in which to move R.O.B., and using the A and B buttons to open and close his arms. If R.O.B. places a gyro on the red or blue button, it pushes the A or B button on the second NES controller, moving the pillar of the corresponding color. If both buttons need to be pressed at the same time, the gyros are placed in a spinner so that they will stay balanced on the button without R.O.B. holding it. Game B has the same controls, except that Start does not need to be pressed to make R.O.B. accept a command.

Il resto su [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R.O.B.]Wikipedia[/url]