Un mondo procedurale completamente texture-less in cui muoversi liberamente, costruire oggetti interattivi e modificare il mondo stesso. Una super idea realizzata da una sola persona, Eskil Steenberg.
The rendring engine used for LOVE is a custom built highly optimized OpenGL engine that tops out at around 200FPS running in 1920 by 1080 on a 100USD graphics card. While performance have always been important so has visual quality, compatibility, and most of all dynamic content. I try to use as few GL extensions as possible and beyond GL 1.2 the only ones I use are Cubemapps, FBOs, GLSL_100 and VBOs (Optional) giving me a very high degree of compatibility and portability.
L’installer dell’intero gioco pesa 40 mega. E’ in sviluppo da un po’, ma √® possibile entrare nella beta, pagando 10 dollari che servono al tempo stesso a finanziarne lo sviluppo.
Massimo rispetto, andate qua: http://www.quelsolaar.com/love/index.html
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