2600: The Hacker Digest – Volume 1

So we’ve taken the next step in our digital publishing project. We’ve gone all the way back to 1984, our first year publishing, and put together “The Hacker Digest – Volume 1” for Kindles, Nooks, tablets, computers, the works. It’s all DRM-free as well.

2600 non credo abbia bisogno di presentazioni: la storica rivista dedicata alla cultura hacker è già da un po’ che “ravana” nei suoi archivi tirando fuori di volta in volta chicche stratosferiche.

Bella questa ultima idea di raccogliere in un ebook libero da DRM il suo primo anno di vita:

This is not simply a bunch of scans of our early issues. We’ve rearranged the contents so the entire year is readable in a book form, just as we’ve done with our later volumes. So there’s an articles section, a letters section, a month by month synopsis of the “latest” technological developments and predictions, plus a whole lot of data that really was exciting to hackers back then and may make you laugh today.

While the actual technology being discussed in 1984 will seem primitive today, the philosophy and speculation about where the world of computers and phones was heading will make for some intriguing reading in the 21st century. You will certainly learn a number of surprising facts.


– Scaricabile in PDF a 4 dollari su 2600.com
Disponibile per Kindle su Amazon.it a 3.05 euro

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