
LEGO World Builder: annunciata la nuova piattaforma LEGO in partnership con Tongal

LEGO World Builder: annunciata la nuova piattaforma LEGO in partnership con Tongal

Viene oggi annunciata oggi l’avvio della piattaforma LEGO World Builder che mira, tramite l’esperienza maturata da Tongal, a dare l’opportunità a tutti i creatori di contenuti di cimentarsi nella creazione di storie originali a tema LEGO.

In aprile erano partite le iscrizioni alla fase di beta testing di un nuovo progetto (LEGO World Builder) che vedeva LEGO affiancarsi a Tongal, la piattaforma per la creazione di contenuti che offre l’accesso ad una comunità globale di creatori per semplificare e ridimensionare lo sviluppo dei contenuti.


lego world builder


Di seguito la press release ufficiale del lancio.


The LEGO Group partners with Tongal to launch LEGO® World Builder,
a first-of-its-kind platform for developing stories, shows and moreThe platform opens unprecedented, direct access to the LEGO creative team for a worldwide creator community, revolutionizing the way new talent and stories are discoveredLos Angeles and New York – August 24, 2020 –  The LEGO Group and content creation platform Tongal announced today the launch of LEGO® World Builder, a first-of-its-kind story development platform that gives the LEGO fan community and creative talent all over the world direct access to the LEGO creative team to develop stories, shows, and more.

LEGO World Builder, designed in partnership with Tongal and powered by Tongal’s technology, connects a worldwide creator community to the LEGO Group, who can incubate ideas, collaborate, give feedback, and option or buy the rights to new concepts. Anyone over the age of 18 can join the open community and pitch their own stories, or team up and collaborate on story worlds with other fans, writers, animators and designers on the platform.

Each year, thousands of creatives send the LEGO Group original ideas for new content and stories. LEGO World Builder is wholly dedicated to empowering this type of creativity. The platform will also include challenges from the LEGO creative teams, where fans can share their own spin on existing LEGO IP.

“The LEGO Group is known for innovation. As early adopters of open platforms, they have shown true leadership in engaging those who love their products throughout the creative process,” said James DeJulio, Tongal Co-Founder and CEO. “They were one of the first organizations to adopt Tongal and our creative community, finding success developing and producing content on the platform, and now they have a dedicated environment to take it to the next level.”

The LEGO Group has been leveraging Tongal and its virtual production capabilities since 2012, working with their global creative community to produce video content across social and into streaming.

“As our partner for many years, Tongal has provided us a way to engage with our creative community and LEGO World Builder is an extension of that,” said Keith Malone, Sr. Director of Content Development at the LEGO Group. “We are privileged to be a brand that stands for creativity not only with our incredible products but also with the experiences we create for our fans. We hope the next Ninjago or LEGO Masters could come from this collaboration!”

Creators can go to worldbuilder.tongal.com to join the community, explore worlds and start creating.



Questo è link da cliccare per dare un’occhiata da vicino a questo nuovo progetto.


lego world builder



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