La CIA debutta su Instagram con un’immagine ricca di easter egg ed enigmi

L’intelligence americana si fa social. La CIA ha appena creato un profilo Instagram ufficiale, e la prima (e unica) immagine pubblicata è ovviamente ricca di mistero.
“I spy with my little eye“, recita la didascalia dell’immagine, che ritrae una scrivania ricca di oggetti e arnesi del mestiere. C’è una parrucca con tanto di occhiali a corredo, probabilmente un riferimento al primato nella categoria travestimenti e trasformismo a lungo detenuto dagli agenti dell’intelligence americana; poi spicca il badge… che non appartiene ad un agente qualsiasi (è del Direttore Haspel);
Aguzzando la vista si nota perfino una cassetta per i risparmi con la scritta “I want to travel the world“, e qua la CIA gioca con i luoghi comuni e l’immaginario da perfetto teen influencer. Peraltro, riporta Business Insider, molti degli oggetti ammassati nell’immagine appartengono veramente agli agenti dell’Agenzia.
Gli easter egg e i segreti da svelare sono davvero tanti. Volete trovarli tutti da soli? Allora saltate al prossimo paragrafo. Per i più pigri di voi vi mettiamo il commento dell’utente Shanevini, che ne ha trovati davvero un bel po’:
The badge number 09-19-47 belonged to Director Haspel. The number 09-19-47 as a date is significant to the CIA. September 19th, 1947 was the day after the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) replaced the Central Intelligence Group (CIG). There is a wig and a jacket on the chair. The star on the desk is the type of star that is given to the families of fallen soldiers.
The bag labeled “TOP SECRET PULP” might be used for destroying media, and the bag underneath the desk is likely a burn bag for destroying classified documents. The open box on the desk contains two cufflinks, which from my understanding were used by a case officer and an asset to identify each other.
The clock’s hands are set to 8:46, which is the time the North Tower of the World Trade Center was struck on September 11th, 2001. There is a notebook on the desk that has a message written in Arabic, which translates to “Share what we can, protect what we must”, which is an important message for the CIA.
There is artwork that depicts officer Tony Mendez, the man who coordinated the rescue mission of six U.S. diplomats from Iran in 1979. There are maps of China, Russia, and Iran spread on the desk. There are foreign banknotes on the desk.
There is also a lanyard hanging out of a closed drawer. The key to the drawer is in the lock still, which makes it seem like someone might have either left in a hurry or is still in the vicinity.
Non è l’unica strizzata d’occhio “pop” della CIA: lo scorso 22 Aprile sul suo account Twitter l’Agenzia ha condiviso un omaggio all’ultima puntata di Game of Thrones.
A perk of working for CIA is world travel. Apparently that sometimes extends to other realms…
“Little birds,” be on the lookout for a former deputy director of ours wandering through #Westeros in tonight’s episode of #GameOfThrones.
— CIA (@CIA) April 22, 2019
- The CIA’s first post on Instagram is a cryptic mashup of hidden messages (Business Insider)