
Monsters & Co, in arrivo il sequel?

Monsters & Co, in arrivo il sequel?

Il regista Pixar di Monsters Inc. ha rilasciato un’intervista ad Entertainment Weekly parlando della possibilità di un terzo capitolo del film d’animazione.

Peter Docter parla dell’iter narrativo di uno dei più celebri e amati film d’animazione Pixar: scegliendo di raccontare un prequel, ovvero Monsters University, la produzione aveva evitato di addentrarsi nella spiegazione della storia di Boo diventata grande. Ora invece l’idea del sequel potrebbe basarsi proprio su quello. Ecco le sue parole:

You never say never – who knows what will happen? We purposely went with a prequel for Monsters University because we didn’t want to answer some of the questions about what happens to Boo, and how does she grow up, and things like that. It would have to be really compelling, which is hopefully the benchmark for all of our sequels, anyway. […] Part of that idea was like a Peter Pan-type thing, where [Wendy] had been visited by Peter Pan as a kid and had sort of half-forgotten who he was.


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