
The Forest – Exclusive Trailer

The Forest – Exclusive Trailer

Dopo il successo di Game of Thrones e la parte in Hunger Games: Il canto della rivolta, la nostra amata Natalie Dormer torna sul grande schermo nell’horror The Forest ambientato ai piedi del monte Fuji e prodotto da MTV.


The Forest is set in the Aokigahara forest at the base of Mt. Fuji, tells the story of a young American woman who goes in search of her twin sister, who has mysteriously disappeared. Despite everyone’s warnings to “stay on the path,” Sara enters the forest determined to discover the truth about her sister’s fate, only to be confronted by the angry and tormented souls of the dead who prey on anyone who wanders into the forest.




Nelle sale USA dall’8 Gennaio 2016.


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The Forest - Exclusive Trailer