[quote]While most visual artists prefer traditional materials
such as oil, acrylic, bronze and ceramic, Tokyo-based
magnetic nanoparticles, ferrofluids often contain high
levels of iron and, as such, are deeply affected by
and responsive to the presence of magnetic fields.
While the NASA-developed ferrofluids are being used
increasingly for commercial applications – on
everything from compact disks to weight-responsive car
suspension systems – Kodama is revolutionary in
applying their widely dynamic qualities to the fine
arts arena.

Using a computer to manipulate electro-magnetic fields
in the sculptures, Kodama coerces her stunning
ferrfluid pieces to grow and disintegrate, flower and
shed, and constantly reinvent themselves without the
aid of animatronics or video wizardry.[/quote]

Qua sotto un altro video e un DIY per creare il vostro ferrofluid personalizzato! (peccato che non serva la colla vinilica: conosco [url=http://www.google.it/imgres?q=muciaccia&um=1&hl=it&sa=N&biw=1467&bih=900&tbm=isch&tbnid=VsK31StPwWoKMM:&imgrefurl=http://www.vip.it/freestyle-deakids-mucciaccia-art-attack/&docid=XRaFud3q1afR4M&imgurl=http://www.vip.it/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Giovanni_muciaccia_freestyle.jpg&w=336&h=351&ei=t2keT7aMNYv54QTJwdWeDw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=224&sig=111505351815560175531&page=1&tbnh=178&tbnw=170&start=0&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0&tx=66&ty=64]qualcuno[/url] che si risentirà per questo…)


