[quote]Modern Toss 2011 Seasonal Blowout.
Friday 9th – Sunday 18th December 2011. 10am-6pm Imitate Modern Gallery, 27a Devonshire Street London W1G 6PN

Clay produced the interactive Periodic Table of Swearing for Modern Toss. It was built in our Hoxton Street studio during our summer holidays. It’s constructed from over 100 buttons, CNC’ed and laser cut MDF, direct to media printing, over 100 meters of cabling, over 300 soldered joints and a whole lot of swearing! [/quote]
Quando l’arte si unisce all’utilità.

La tavola periodica degli insulti: un oggetto esteticamente accattivante, tecnicamente sofisticato e assolutamente utile per non trovarsi mai a corto dell’insulto giusto al momento giusto.

In mostra alla [url=http://www.timeout.com/london/venue/20620/imitate-modern-gallery]Imitate Modern Gallery[/url] di Londra sino al 18 dicembre.
