
[quote]The transparent design lets the speaker blend in to any living room out there. The size can be big enough to offer a good sound quality, yet the speaker takes little visible space. The box is transparent, but the sound creating components are clearly emphasized.

The speakers come with a small wifi antenna, that can plug in to any computer, music player or smart phone out there. It will also work for old stereos or vinyl equipment. The aim is to set the music free regardless where it’s stored.[/quote]

Belle queste casse amplificate wi-fi proposte da PeoplePeople. Per ora solo in fase di concept, ma potrebbero entrare in produzione a breve.

Trasparenti, con una semplice antenna wi-fi che si collega al jack di uscita di qualunque cosa vogliate attaccarci, bella idea.

[url=http://peoplepeople.se/2011/11/that-sounds-great]That sounds great![/url]