
Glucose Song

[quote]You’re sweeter than a woman’s kiss,
‘cause I need you for glycolysis.[/quote]

Ho cercato nei meandri della Lega e non ho trovato questo [b]capolavoro[/b], quindi mi sono sentito in dovere di pubblicarlo!

La canzone descrive in maniera simpatica e [b]molto[/b] approssimativa il catabolismo del glucosio, sulle note di [i]”Sugar, Sugar”[/i] del gruppo [i]The Archies[/i]. Metto il testo sotto spoiler, visto che è già presente nel video.

[spoiler]Glucose — ah, sugar sugar —
You are my favorite fuel
From the blood-borne substrate pool.
Glucose — monosaccharide sugar —
You’re sweeter than a woman’s kiss
‘Cause I need you for glycolysis.

I just can’t believe the way my muscles take you in.
(For you, they’ll open the door.)
All it takes is a little bit of insulin
(To upregulate GLUT4).

Ah, glucose — ah, sugar sugar —
You help me make ATP
When my predators are chasing me.
Ah, glucose — you’re an aldehyde sugar,
And you’re sweeter than a woman’s kiss
‘Cause I need you for glycolysis.

I just can’t believe the way my muscles break you down.
(My glycogen is almost gone.)
A few more seconds and I’ll be rigor mortis-bound.
(Acidosis done me wrong.)

Your sweet is turning sour, baby.
I’m losing all my power, baby.
I’m gonna make your muscles ache.
No, no, no!
I’m swimming in lactate, baby.
Yes, I’m swimming in lactate, baby.
Now I’m drowning in lactate, baby.
I’m gonna make your muscles ache.
No, no, no!
I’m drowning in lactate, baby.

Ah, glucose — ah, sugar sugar —
I used you up and you left me flat;
Now I’ll have to get my kicks from fat.
Oh, glucose, glucose, sugar, sugar,
The honeymoon is over now.[/spoiler]

[more]Una piccola nota che mi sento di aggiungere per i meno esperti: il [i]GLUT4[/i] è un gene che codifica per un trasportatore (Glucose transporter type 4) regolato dall’insulina, uno dei principali ormoni coinvolti nella regolazione dei carboidrati nell’organismo.[/more]

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Glucose Song