
Know how many pictures you can fit into a roll of film? 24 exposures? 36? Nah, try thousands! (If it’s one of our special USB Film Rolls, that is.)

We’ve had some awesome ideas for repurposing these little cans in the past, but hiding a USB drive in there is the best idea yet. These upcycled jewels hold 4GB of information: that’s up to 1000 photos!

Since we get these from film labs that were just going to throw them away, you never know what kind of canister you’ll end up with. It’s like a grab bag: will you get Fuji Velvia? Tri-X? Precious but elusive Kodachrome? Who knows, you’ll just have to wait and see!

Ho trovato [url=http://photojojo.com/store/awesomeness/usb-film-roll/]questo sito[/url] dove mostrano degli USB-drive a forma di rullino per portare in giro le vostre foto. E sono fai-da-te.
Ovviamente non si tratta di costruire il drive (sarebbe troppo nerd per un articolo scritto da me), ma di fargli un restyling (pimp my USB-drive).

Cosa occorre:
– USB drive da 4 GB (Perché 4? Perché si!);
– Vecchio rullino da buttare;
– Colla vinilica (non è specificato a dire il vero, ma presumo un po’ di colla ci voglia, ma forse meglio l’attak).

Fatto? Bene, ora potete regalarlo al vostro amico poser-hipster che si crede un fotografo.

Via: [url=http://photojojo.com/store/awesomeness/usb-film-roll/]photojojo[/url]