
[quote]A year ago, a massive oil spill began in the Gulf. The entire country was glued to the news until the well was capped, and then we forgot about it.

As the year anniversary was fast approaching I became curious, just how much oil was that exactly? Where would it have gone? What I found was shocking.

So in an effort to further our discussion on oil dependency I created this short animation. I’ve spent all of my free time in the last month putting this together to help illustrate just how dependent we truly are on oil. [/quote]

Questo video infografico, realizzato interamente da Chris Harmon, illustra tutto ciò che sarebbe stato possibile fare utilizzando i 205 milioni di galloni di petrolio versati in mare nel disastro del Golfo del Messico il 20 Aprile dell’anno scorso, dopo l’esplosione della piattaforma svizzera Deepwater Horizon.

Altre info sul disastro su [url=http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disastro_ambientale_della_piattaforma_petrolifera_Deepwater_Horizon]Wikipedia[/url].

Via FB