L’utente [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/agwawaf]Agwawaf[/url] ha postato questo video sul Tubo in cui finisce tutti e quattro i Super Mario del NES contemporaneamente.

Ecco svelato l’arcano:
[quote]YouTube user agwawaf posted a video Monday showing him completing the first four Mario games using a single controller input. That’s right: One controller, four emulators, four games running at the same time.

The trick is that this is a [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tool-assisted_speedrun]tool-assisted speed run[/url]. By using emulators, save states and running the games at a very slow pace, he was able to individually tweak and nudge each movement of the four Marios so that they would stay a hair’s breadth from danger. It’s still a remarkably impressive achievement when you consider the painstaking care that such a meticulous feat requires.

As with most tool-assisted gameplay videos, everything you see here is theoretically possible to do in real time, but so unbelievably difficult that the chances of a human being doing this are just about zero.

If you don’t feel like watching the whole 13-minute clip, at least scrub to around the 10-minute mark, [b]at which point agwawaf defeats three of the game’s final bosses simultaneously[/b].[/quote]

Ok, è una TAS, ma bisogna riconoscere l’impegno profuso in questa impresa rigorosamente inutile e pertanto irrinunciabile.

:nt: ?

Via [url=http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2011/04/super-mario-quadrun/]Wired[/url].