
[quote]Having a hardware interface to your favourite music / DJ / VJ software can really open up doors in your creativity. The most widespread form of hardware control to your PC for such applications is a MIDI based controller.[/quote]

Un controller midi DIY Arduino-based da interfacciare con software musicali e [url=http://www.resolume.com/]visivi[/url] creato con un budget di 100 dollari.

Materiale necessario:
[more]1 x DFRduino (cheaper Arduino clone) $28.80
1 x USB cable (A to B connector, like that on a printer) $3.95
1 x Plastic enclosure $15.75
12 x Sanwa 24mm arcade buttons $26.28 (USD)
4 x 10k linear potentiometer $4.88
4 x Pot knobs $3.80
2 x 10k linear sliding potentiometer $7.54
2 x Slider knobs $2.04
5 x 10mm M3 nylon threaded spacers $2.00 (I got a bag of 25 for $9.95)
4 x 16mm countersunk M3 screws $1.00
3 x 4mm M2 self tapping screws $0.75
1 x 4.7 kΩ resistor $0.10
4 x stick on rubber feet $2.00

Total $98.89[/more]

Nell’approfondimento un video tutorial che mostra come costruire un box, saldatura e collegamento cavi.

fonte | [url=http://www.instructables.com/id/Arcade-Button-MIDI-Controller/]Instructables[/url]