[quote]This LED Wise Clock 3 by florinc is really cool. It’s got a bi-color LED matrix display and runs on an Arduino controller. It will tell you the time while it plays a game of Pong. Sadly, people can’t play Pong on this DIY LED clock; you have to let the Arduino do its thing.[/quote]

Volete un bell’orologio a LED interfacciato con Arduino che mentre vi mostra l’ora gioca a [i]Pong[/i] sul vostro comodino?

Il kit con le parti fondamentali a circa $62, [url=http://timewitharduino.blogspot.com/2011/02/wise-clock-3-kit-now-available-in-store.html]QUI[/url].

Alcuni display LED a circa $30, [url=http://shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=3216+LED+display]QUI[/url].

Per tutto il resto c’è il DIY.