Premesso che non sono un fan della saga Final Fantasy, ma ci tenevo a farvi sapere che Square Enix farà uscire nel 2011 il sequel di Final Fantasy XIII, mentre Final Fantasy XIV è già uscito, ovviamente.


Comunque, altre info nell’approfondimento:
* XIII-2’s story begins in Gran Pulse after the ending of XIII.
* The story will feel like it expands out from the after story that was included in the booklet with Xbox 360’s Final Fantasy XIII International.
* Outside of Lightning, other characters will appear in the game in unexpected forms. Some will see major changes.
* XIII-2 is a full sequel. You’ll learn some of the things that took place in the background scenes of XIII.
* The story will be more dark and mysterious than XIII’s.
* The story will focus on the goddess Etro.
* The game will not have the pop feel of Final Fantasy X-2 (I think this means no dancing Lightning booooo)
* The battle system will be an evolved form of XIII’s ATB system.
* They’re listening to opinions both inside and outside of Square Enix and from outside of Japan regarding characters, story and interface.
* There may be a difficulty setting.[/quote][/more]
