
La caverna gigante scoperta in Vietnam

di Zed

[quote]An enormous shaft of sunlight plunges into the cave like a waterfall. The hole in the ceiling through which the light cascades is unbelievably large, at least 300 feet across. The light, penetrating deep into the cave, reveals for the first time the mind-blowing proportions of Hang Son Doong. The passage is perhaps 300 feet wide, the ceiling nearly 800 feet tall: room enough for an entire New York City block of 40-story buildings. There are actually wispy clouds up near the ceiling. [/quote]
Situata nel Vietman centrale, Hang Son Doong è una grotta di proporzioni inimmaginabili, capace di contenere un palazzo di 40 piani.

Sul National Geographic la [url=http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2011/01/largest-cave/peter-photography]gallery [/url]delle foto della spedizione del 2009 e l'[url=http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2011/01/largest-cave/jenkins-text/1]articolo [/url]relativo.

Nello spoiler il grafico della caverna (la versione interattiva è [url=http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2011/01/largest-cave/largest-cave-interactive]qui[/url]) e il video-tour in 3D (thx [url=http://leganerd.com/people/CoolSh@rK]Coolshark[/url]):


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