[quote]Vote for Graffiti Analysis & GML in the Transmediale & Mozilla Open Web Award!!!

Here’s how:

1. Create a Mozilla Drumbeat account: www.drumbeat.org/​user/​register

2. Check your mail to get your password and validate your account.

3. Go to the GML Project page on Drumbeat and click “vote” in the upper right corner: www.drumbeat.org/​project/​graffiti-markup-language

4. Leave a comment related to “what you – in particular – like? How do you think the project supports the open web? Would you want to somehow contribute or get involved? Your vote and input directly influences the final decision.”[/quote]

Bel progetto che unisce i graffiti e la tecnologia, vi consiglio di seguire i link sopraindicati.

Avevamo già visto qualcosa di simile:

Graffiti Analysis 3.0 by Evan Roths

Graffiti Analysis 3.0

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