[quote]This is the first video showing Kinect to control Windows 7 desktop and other multitouch applications. Find more info on my blog http://www.wolfgangherfurtner.com/[/quote]
[quote]The most impressive part is its support for simultaneous multitouch and multiuser control of applications (including those using Flash and Java) running on a Windows 7 PC.[/quote]
Altro Kinect e altro hacking, questa volta i due gruppi hanno realizzato un sistema per controllare con il solo uso della forza il browser.
[quote]Kinect + Computer Vision + Javascript
DepthJS is a web browser extension that allows any any web page to interact with the Microsoft Kinect via Javascript.
DepthJS is AGPL licensed. www.github.com/doug/depthjs
via [url=http://www.evoluce.com/en/company/pressreleases.php?we_objectID=28]Evoluce[/url] + [url=http://vimeo.com/17180651]Fluid Interfaces Group[/url]