La diga di castoro più lunga del mondo
[quote]This is the longest beaver dam I have found so far with a systematic Google Earth search and interpretation of beaver habitat across Canada. Beaver lodges are visible and the dam must be the result of at least two beaver families. Dams of about 500 meters are quite common in Canada, but 850 meters (2790 ft) is exceptional. Long dams like this tend to develop mainly in large wetlands. Many more beaver dams can be observed in the surrounding area. This dam is located near the southern edge of Wood Buffalo National Park , in Northern Alberta, Canada and about 190 km North of Fort McMurray and the Alberta Tar Sands.[/quote]
E’ lunga 850 m e si trova nell’Alberta. A costruirla, dei roditori con la coda a spatola.
La cosa impressionante è che è visibile (si tratta sempre di un elemento “naturale”, non balza all’occhio) da google maps.
In [url=]questo[/url] sito è possibile scaricare i file .kmz per Google Earth e leggere molte più cose a riguardo.
Ovviamente visionabile direttamente su maps [url=,+Alberta,+Canada&sll=50.176898,20.126953&sspn=31.553303,78.837891&ie=UTF8&hq=Largest+beaver+Dam+in+the+world,&hnear=Alberta,+Canada&ll=58.271537,-112.253151&spn=0.002759,0.013711&t=h&z=17]qui[/url].