
[quote]Kuksi’s art speaks of a timelessness–potentiality and motion attempting to reach on forever, and yet pessimistically delayed; forced into the stillness of death and eternal sleep. He treats morbidity with a sympathetic touch and symbolizes the paradox of the death of the individual by objective personification of death. There is a fear of this consciousness because it drops in upon us without mercy, and yet there is a need to appeal to it in order to provide a sense of security, however deluded that sense may be. Kuksi’s art warns us that this appeal is irrelevant, and that we should be slow to create a need for it. His themes also teach us that although death may pursue us arbitrarily, we should never neglect to mourn the tremendous loss of individual potential.[/quote]

Probabilmente l’artista contemporaneo che mi piace di più attualmente. Quest’uomo realizza delle sculture intricatissime utilizzando vari materiali, soprattutto pezzi “rubati” da scatole di montaggio per modellini, soldatini e via dicendo…il risultato è fantastico.

[url=http://kuksi.com/]QUA[/url] il suo sito.

Un tempo aveva anche una gallery su deviantART ma ora non riesco a rintracciarla..