[quote]When the Olympics came to China the world spotlight turned to a country synonymous with human rights abuse and by any measure a totalitarian police state.
But under the surface is a growing movement of punks and misfits, the irony of which is not lost on the filmmakers as they roam this rebellious sub culture a scratch under the surface of bustling Beijing.[/quote]

[i]Breaking News: This trailer now blocked in China.[/i]

Featured bands include: Misandao, Demerit, Hedgehog, The Gar, PK14, Candy Monster and Joyside.

A documentary by [url=http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1359865/]Shaun Jefford[/url].

Sito ufficiale del film [url=http://www.beijingpunk.com/]QUI[/url]

[b]Il Punk non muore mai…..cambia solo paese…..[/b] :)