
Beer Bottle/Musical Instrument


[quote][url=http://2d3d5d.com/work/Tuned-Pale-Ale#http://upl1nk.com/media/images/mattbraun/TunedpalealeWeb.jpg]Tuned Pale Ale[/url] is a product by designer Matt Braun. The Tuned Pale Ale’s bottles show a musical scale on its label.You can drink down to a particular level, blow on it, andthe bottle will play a note. Cool! Buy a pack, you’ll be able to perform a melody. Braun writes:
This product aims to promote more of this type of social interaction. This product aims to inform users about the musical qualities of existing bottles and to make the bottle a better instrument.[/quote]

Una ficata per improvvisare una sonata per la sbornia appena presa!!!


Fonte: [url=http://www.likecool.com/]likecool.com[/url]

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