[quote]Known as “Intelligence Toilet”, this toilet is smart enough to perform an analysis on your urine, measure your blood pressure, body temperature and weight in the process. A gizmo within the bowl itself will be able to determine sugar levels in your urine, while an armband will go about monitoring your blood pressure as you take a leak. The integrated floor scale will also determine your body weight while you sit on the porcelain throne, and all data will be displayed on a wall-mounted computer screen.[/quote]
Gestisce sino a 5 persone (non contemporaneamente, pervertiti!) e costa tra $4,100 e $5,850…
Via [url=http://www.ubergizmo.com/15/archives/2010/08/japan_has_toilets_that_check_your_health_while_you_pee.html]Ubergizmo[/url].
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