
How The Flux Capacitor Works?

[url=http://nerdapproved.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/ImageFlux-thumb-550×801-45043.jpg] [image]http://leganerd.com/wp-content/uploads/LEGANERD_029011.jpg[/image][/url]

[quote]Seeing as how we can explain the function of a fictional device, why not turn that mofo into a reality and stick it into an old Delorian? Then you could time travel back to 1985 and sue Robert Zemeckis for stealing your idea.[/quote]

Dato che siamo in tema “viaggi nel tempo” eccovi una bella infografica di come funzione il Flux Capacitor

Cliccate sull’immagine per aprire l’infografica.

Via [url=http://nerdapproved.com/misc-weirdness/how-the-flux-capacitor-works/]Nerd Approved[/url]

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