
[quote]SketchChair is a piece of software that takes the engineer out of engineering furniture. In a child’s-dream-come-true you draw the outlines you’d like to have, add some legs, and the software pops out a design ready to be laser-cut. The finishing touch of adding palm fiber and felt produces what we imagine is a moderately comfortable place to sit. Now the hard part will be convincing your spouse that you should spend the money building an industrial grade laser cutter because of all the money you’ll save on furniture.[/quote]


Se vi siete stancati di comprare le sedie che disegnano gli altri, o non ne avete ancora trovata una che si adatti al vostro nerdoso fondoschiena, questo programmino vi viene in aiuto

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Via [url=http://hackaday.com/2010/07/20/rapid-furniture-prototyping/]Hack a Day[/url]