
Mmmmm delicious!!!

[quote]First up, making the skull-face: I got an anatomical model of a human skull and a whole load of food grade silicone. After putty-ing up the fiddly details and finding suitable containers for the skull and jaw I poured the silicone around them and left it for 48 hours to set. After de-molding the originals I trimmed the molds down to make them more flexible.
I cast the jaw and face out of milk chocolate and used dental tools to carve some of the detail back in.
Next the cakey cranium: I made chocolate sponge (pictured looking like a magnificent pair of um… mounds) and sandwiched them with yet more milk chocolate, I trimmed them down to the right size and shape and covered the lot in yet more milk chocolate for structural integrity.
finally, I poured over chocolate ganche and painted the teeth with high % dark chocolate.
I took the skull cake up to work, where it was promptly demolished. mmmm cake and half a ton of chocolate!
Chloe Bird[/quote]

Sarebbe un dolce perfetto per Halloween!

via [url=http://www.boingboing.net/2010/07/01/three-dimensional-sk.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+boingboing%2FiBag+%28Boing+Boing%29]Boing Boing[/url]