Simpatico trick per i fotografi della domenica da [url=http://submit.shutterstock.com/newsletter/217/article2.html]Shutterstock[/url].
Se vi trovate in un posto pieno di turisti ma vorreste una foto del monumento senza i soliti minkioni che vi vagano davanti senza meta, potete piazzare la macchina su un cavalletto e mettervi a fare foto a manella, una ogni tanto, cercando di farle quando la gente si sposta.
[quote]When you return home, open all the images from the series in Photoshop CS3 Extended. From the top menu, select File >Scripts > Statistics. In “Choose Stacks Mode” dialogue, select “Median.”
That’s all there is to it! After crunching some data, Photoshop will spit out a new image without anybody in it. You may need to use some of your individual files to clean up a few artifacts generated by the process. In this example, I took 25 exposures during approximately 15 minutes (the place was incredibly busy as you can tell from the first picture). The clouds had shifted, so I “borrowed” the sky from one of the shots.[/quote]